Are you a Real Estate Agent?

Problem: You spend an hour in your listing presentation, praising the home, while thinking, “how do I bring up that dog smell?”

Solution: You don’t have to. You need an occupied staging consultation.

You have a secret weapon:  Love at First Sight Staging—an Expert Psychological Stager who will address that— and more— in a consultation with your seller. We meet with your seller and give them a game plan to make their home look great in photos. We are your partner in MARKETING the house… we reinforce the good decision the seller has made in hiring YOU to list their home… and we help get their home ready to present as strongly as possible in the listing photos. Every home deserves this… from the starter home to the million dollar second home.  

97% of buyers start their real estate search online, so our job is to make your listing photos irresistible to potential buyers. These photos are a reflection on you, the agent. 

In fact, buyers will often overlook some of the “must-haves” on their wish list if they experience a “feeling” about a home that sets it apart from other listings. We create this by using psychological principles to appeal to buyers’ emotions along with sound staging and design concepts. 

We specialize in the “wow!” experience that makes buyers fall in love with homes at first sight.

Occupied Staging Consultation

An occupied staging consultation gives the homeowner up to two hours of practical advice and ideas, room by room, prioritized, inside and outside the home.

Consultations include:

  • Suggestions to enhance curb appeal
  • Ideas on furniture arrangement of existing furniture in the home to highlight the home’s architecture
  • Advice on best paint color choices for selling
  • Suggestions for updating if needed (flooring, kitchen upgrades, lighting, etc.) to make the home look high-end
  • Accessory suggestions and best placement to create “memory points” for buyers
  • A top 10 Action list 

Hands-on staging: 

After the consultation homework is done, we can return for fine tuning of details and memory points.  This is an additional service fee, with options for supplemental accessory packages. Shopping also available.

Color & Prep Consultation

Problem: You have a vacant home listing. The sellers can’t afford vacant staging to add furniture.

Solution: No worries! You still need a color and prep consultation.

Love at First Sight Staging is an expert in selecting on-trend paint colors to go with the existing finishes. Buyers WAY overestimate how much it costs to paint a room, and having freshly painted, coordinating wall colors can bring in thousands more dollars in the sale price! We also can suggest which updated fixtures can bring the most bang for the buck and if any minor updates are needed to allow the house to stand out in photos. 

STR Property Consultation

Problem: Your client wants to buy a rental property — how to ensure they can get the most for their investment?

Solution: You need a Short-Term Rental (STR) Property Consultation! (Even if it’s a long-term rental!)

We get it! You need to help your client start making money on their investment right away… and you sure are counting on those great photos and reviews!  We can help you with design ideas to make your property memorable online, and give you advice on updates, paint colors and affordable furnishings to make your place THE hot new property!  This service starts with a two-hour consultation, and we will discuss how much input is needed.